Website Manager

Lexington SC Girls' Softball


Rev July 2024


Section 1. Membership

·         Lexington Girls’ Softball League shall consist of girls ages 3-16, as of January 1st, who have registered for, paid the appropriate fee, and have provided a copy of their birth certificate by the first game of the season.

·         Lexington Girls’ Softball League will be divided into teams by age groups.  Players will be so distributed as to form teams of as nearly equal number of players as possible.

·         Coaches will be members of the Lexington Girls’ Softball League as long as they are actively involved as coaches of the League. Head Coach and Assistant Coach’s must pass a Background check through Lexington County Recreation and be NYSCA certified by the first game of the season.  Any Parent helping in the dugout or on the field is required to have a Background check through Lexington County Recreation.

·         Parents or Legal Guardian will be members of Lexington Girls’ Softball League as long as they have a player actively involved in the League and shall be eligible to voting rights.
Elected Officers and Appointed Officers are members of the Lexington Girls’ Softball League for the duration of their term.

·         Each member and participant will recognize their responsibilities for taking an active part in League affairs.

·         Membership is conditioned upon the member complying with the League’s Constitution and By-Laws, Lexington County Rules, USSSA’s Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules.  Any violation thereof is subject to disciplinary measures as may be taken by the League, including disbarment, suspension, the issuance of restrictions and conditions upon an individual’s membership, the issuance of conditions for compliance to avoid a harsher action from being taken, or any combination of the above.


Section 2.  Executive Board and League Officers

·         The Executive Board elections will take place at the end of the Fall season. 

·         The Executive Board will accept nominations from current members for approximately a two-week period prior to closing ceremonies.

·         Only current members of LGS will be eligible to be nominated. No nominations will be taken three days before election.

·         Each officer will be eligible for a term of two years in any given office and may be eligible for reelection.  The Offices of Vice-President and Secretary will be elected on even numbered years and the offices of President and Treasurer will be elected on odd numbered years.

·         Officers will assume office no later than November 30th.  The retiring officers will complete the business of the year and will surrender to their successors any records pertaining to their respective offices no later than November 30th.

·         The Executive Board will fill vacancies occurring in offices of the League as the Executive Board deems necessary.

·         The Executive Board will determine if the election takes place online.

Section 3.  Executive Board
The Executive Board will consist of:

·         President

·         Vice-President

·         2nd Vice-President

·         Secretary

·         Treasurer

The Officer Roles will consist of:

·         Events Coordinator

·         Sponsorship Coordinator

·         Coaching Coordinator

·         Coaching Assistant and All Stars Coordinator

·         Canteen Coordinator

·         League Administrator

·         Field Coordinator

·         Communications and Media Coordinator

Section 4. Authority and Duties

·         The Officers responsibilities are described under the section dealing with their title.  

·         All Executive Board Members will:
Attend all meetings.

o   Share responsibility in attending all assigned home games.

o   Show personal interest in and concern for each girl.

o   Encourage active participation of all parents/guardians in the Lexington Girls’ Softball League.

o   Participate in all aspects dealing with registration including planning and execution of skill assessments and draft.

o   Assist in preparing a budget for the upcoming year.

o   Serve a two-year term.

o   Maintain a current background check through Lexington County Recreation.

·         President will

o   Preside at all meetings.

o   Call any special meetings, if needed.

o   Appoint such committees as needed (publicity, canteen, finance, and project committees).

o   Jointly, with the Vice-Presidents and Scheduling Coordinator, be in charge of rescheduling rained out games, making game schedules, and approving canteen schedules.

o   Engage in such activities as are normally performed by a President.

·         Vice-President will:

o   Perform all duties of the President, in his or her absence, and upon resignation of the President, will become President and hold office for the unexpired term of the former President, assuming all the duties of the former President.

o   Work closely with and assist the President as requested.

o   Jointly, with President and Scheduling Coordinator, oversee rescheduling rained out games, making team schedules, and approving canteen schedules.

o   Engage in such other activities as are normally performed by a Vice-President.

·         2ND Vice-President will:

o   Perform all duties of the President, in his or her absence, and upon resignation of the President, will become President and hold office for the unexpired term of the former President, assuming all the duties of the former President.

o   Work closely with and assist the President as requested.

o   Jointly, with President and Scheduling Coordinator, oversee rescheduling rained out games, making team schedules, and approving canteen schedules.

o   Engage in such other activities as are normally performed by a Vice-President.

·         Treasurer will:

o   Receive and record all money of the Lexington Girls’ Softball League and make bank deposits.

o   Pay bills and disperse funds as directed by the Executive Board.

o   Report financial status at scheduled Executive Board Meetings.

o   Engage in such activities as are normally performed by a Treasurer.

o   Responsible for working closely with the Executive Board, especially the Coaching and Canteen

o   Coordinators in the acquisition of:
                a.      Uniforms
                b.      Materials, Equipment, and Supplies as needed by the League

·         Secretary will:

o   Record the minutes of the Executive and Administrative Board meetings.

o   Maintain a roster of the officers for the Executive Board.

o   Maintain a roster of teams, players, board members, and coaches for the Executive Board.

o   Attend to correspondence as directed by the President.

o   Engage in such activities as are normally performed by a secretary.

o   Assist the League Administrator with webpage and social media for the league.

·         Events Coordinator will:

o   Plan, with the Executive Board members, all special events/Fundraising Events, (i.e., Fun Day, Vendors and Closing Ceremonies).

·         Sponsorship Coordinator will:

o   Notify the previous year’s sponsors so they may have the opportunity to sponsor again.

o   Seek out and obtain new sponsorships

o   Track, ensure ordering of and hanging of sponsorship banners

·         Coaching Coordinator will:

o   Responsible for scheduling of the Coach’s Meetings.

o   Responsible for all equipment.

o   Responsible for maintaining the equipment.

o   Obtain coaches and assistants.  All coaches must be approved by the Executive Board.

o   Responsible for verifying Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches are NYSCA certified and have Background checks approved by the first game of the season.

·         Coaching Coordinator Assistant / All Stars Coordinator will:

o   Assist Coaching Coordinator in all of the following:

o   Responsible for scheduling of the Coach’s Meetings.

o   Responsible for all equipment.

o   Responsible for maintaining the equipment.

o   Obtain coaches and assistants.  All coaches must be approved by the Executive Board.

o   Responsible for verifying Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches are NAYS certified and have Background checks approved by the first game of the season.

·         Field Coordinator

o   Responsible for Field Maintenance

o   Responsible for ensuring contact is made with county 

o   Assisting Coaching Coordinator in any responsibility deemed necessary

·         Canteen Coordinator

o   Responsible for maintaining and stocking the canteen inventory.

o   Responsible for setting up the canteen work schedule which has to be approved by the President or Vice-Presidents.

o   Responsible for setting up the canteen count out schedule which has to be approved by the President.

o   Responsible for evaluating canteen operations and making recommendations of menu and/or procedural changes to the Executive Board.

o   Canteen Coordinator shall be entitled to compensation as determined by executive board when actively working during open business hours.

·         League Administrator 

o   Will assist Secretary in all of the following:

o   Record the minutes of the Executive and Administrative Board meetings.

o   Maintain a roster of the officers for the Executive Board.

o   Maintain a roster of teams, players, board members, and coaches for the Executive Board.

o   Attend to correspondence as directed by the President.

o   Engage in such activities as are normally performed by a secretary.

·         Communications and Media Coordinator

o   Will maintain all social media accounts (Facebook and Instagram)

o   Will maintain and promote website banners, calendar, sponsors, pictures, web links, newsletters, etc

o   Assist the League Administrator with webpage and social media for the league.

Section 5.  Executive Board Members

·         General Powers.  

o   All League powers will be exercised by, or under the authority of, and the business and affairs of the League will be managed by the Executive Board.

·         Board Members.

o   The Executive Board will consist of the elected officers of the League.  Each officer will hold office until his/her tenure in office expires or until removed; however, if such term expires, the officer will continue to serve until a successor will be elected or appointed and deemed qualified.

·         Regular Meetings.

o   A regular meeting of the Executive Board will be held monthly without other notice than this By-Law; and will be at such times and places, as the board will designate. The meeting schedule will be posted on the league website.    Each member is expected to attend all meetings of the Executive Board.  Any Board Member that misses 3 scheduled meetings per election year is subject to expulsion from the Board. (6 Per Term).

o    (See Waiver of Notice, It can be obtained as described in letter E- 1 of Section 3 for Excused Absences)

·         Special Meetings, Notice of Special Meetings and Field Duty.

o   Special meetings may be called by or at the request of the President or by the President upon written request of any quorum of the board.  The person authorized to call special meetings of the board may choose any place within the County of Lexington, State of South Carolina, as the place for holding any special meeting of the board.

o   Notice of any special meeting will be given with enough notice to address the situation at hand.  If emailed or texted, such notice will be deemed to be effective when received.

o   Board Duty will be on an assigned or volunteer basis as determined by the President or Executive Board.  Failure to volunteer for duty or attend assigned duty can result in expulsion from the Board.  (Waiver can be obtained as described in item E- 1 of Section 3)

·         Waiver of Notice. 

o   Any member may waive notice of any meeting, the waiver must be in writing, and filed with the minutes or records. (i.e., Vacation, Business obligations and Family Emergencies)

·         Board Quorum - A majority of the number of members will constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting.

·         Manner of Action.

o   Required Vote.  The act of the majority of the members present at a meeting at which a quorum is present when the vote is taken will be the act of the board. Electronic/Telephone voting is acceptable.

o   Failure to object to action.  The right of abstention is available to a member who wishes not to vote on an action.

·         Compensation.  

o   No executive board member will be paid for services rendered or to be rendered to the Board or the League when performing non payable services deemed as voluntary other than Canteen Coordinator. By resolution of the Board, any member may be reimbursed for expenses incurred on behalf of the Board. Board members performing services outside of the scope of volunteerism, as deemed and approved by the board, may be fairly compensated.

·         Committees:

o   Creation of Committees.  The Board may create one or more committees and appoint members of the League to serve on them.  Each committee serves at the pleasure of the Board.

o   Selection of Members.  The creation of a committee and appointment of members to it must be approved by a quorum of the board members.

·         Required Procedures. 

o   The sections of this article, which govern meetings, action without meetings, notice and waiver of notice, quorums and voting requirements of the Board, apply to committees and their members where applicable.

·         Authority.  

o   Each committee may exercise those aspects for the authority of the Board, which the Board confers upon such committee in the resolution creating the committee, provided however, a committee may not:

§  Authorize payment to anyone.

§  Fill vacancies on the Board or on any of its committees. Adopt, amend, or repeal any article or provision of the By-Laws.

Section 6. Meetings

A.    All meetings will be scheduled by the Executive Board, which will determine the business to be considered.

B.    A Board Member, League Member or Coach has the right to request a meeting at any time that there is a matter he/she feels needs to be addressed.  This request, and nature of said request, would be made to the Executive Board or League President via email to [email protected]. Please include whom is requesting and nature of request with detail. The Executive Board has 3 business days to respond and set a date for meeting. This meeting must be held within 10 business days of request.


Section 7. Equipment

A.    It will be mandatory for all players to purchase their own helmets with face masks and facemasks due to health reasons. These may not be shared.

B.    It is required for all players to wear protective face masks at all times when on defense.



Rev July 2024



Standard Operating Procedure No. 1


Player Assessments and Team Draft

PURPOSE:  To establish a process for which players are assessed and drafted. 

SCOPE:  Policy and procedures outlined in this standard operating procedure apply to all players and coaches of Lexington Girls Softball.

POLICY:  It is the policy of this organization to promote good sportsmanship and teach the game of fast pitch softball to the young ladies aged 3-16 years old of Lexington County. 


·         Selections will come from registration of girls divided into age groups to be in compliance with USSSA ruling as determined by makeup of registrants:

o   Those girls eligible to register must be of the age listed for their group before January 1, of the present year.  Registrations will play in eligible age group. Any exceptions will be reviewed and approved by the board on a case-by-case basis.

·         The method of team selection for all teams in each season, with the exception of the 3-year-old Program and the 6U division, will be a draft, unless player is returning to immediate previous season’s team, as described in section

·         All players need to attend assessments. No arrangements will be made for make-up sessions. 

·         For the spring season pitchers and catchers who do not attend player assessments and do not assess as a pitcher or catcher will be unavailable at that position for certain games such as in-house games.

·         Any attempt to manipulate the draft by assessing in an unsportsmanlike manner will result in disciplinary action as determined by LGS Board of Directors.

·         All players will be assessed by the Head Coaches of their age groups.  Board member(s) will assess all coaches’ players that are auto assigned to their team for any reason to determine the draft round that daughter will be placed. 

·         After all assessments are completed the time and location of the draft will be determined by the board.

·         All players that do not attend assessments will be chosen one of 2 ways. The coaches will be able to discuss and chose the way the hat picks are chosen at draft. It will be done via choice 1 if all coaches cannot agree.

o   Names will be placed in a hat.  The hat picks will be picked after all the assessed players are drafted. 

o   All players may be chosen at any time regardless of assessment status.

·         Only exception is the Head Coach and (2) Assistant Coaches automatically receives their child. The pick cancelled will be determined by board members’ assessment of daughter.

·         Any conflicts in draft procedures will be resolved by the quorum of the board members not involved in the issue.

·         The Head Coaches will attend a Draft Meeting at which time, the Head coaches and Board Members will be given a list of girls playing in their age divisions.

·         The procedure before, during, or after the draft is not to be discussed outside of the draft.

·         The draft meeting will be presided over by board members.  A pitching draft and a catching draft will be held separately by way of each Head Coach drawing randomly to determine the numerical order of draft picks.  Any remaining pitchers or catchers will be placed in the regular draft. (Exception: If a Head Coach’s child is a pitcher or catcher their position in the pitcher/catcher drafts will be determined by a method satisfactory among the coaches and board.)

·         The draft will be by way of each Head Coach drawing randomly to determine the numerical order of draft picks.  In the draft, each Head Coach will choose one player per round. 

o   Picks will be made via the “Snake Pattern” method. Round 1 will go 1-2-3-4-5 if there are 5 teams; Round 2 will go 5-4-3-2-1 if there are 5 teams; Round 3 will go 1-2-3-4-5, etc. 

·         Trades will be allowed to accommodate players who ride together, etc., but only for a ten-minute period immediately following the draft and approved by the board. 

·         Any cheating, undue influence, or harassment will come before the Board and disciplinary action will be taken.

·         The method of team selection for all teams in the each season for new players, players that must move into higher age bracket or players that wish to change teams will be a draft scenario. Any player wishing to continue with their previous Team/Coach from previous season only and is eligible to do so, as long as:

o   Previous Head Coach is returning to coach or Previous Assistant Coach is stepping into Head Coach position

o   Previous Head Coach volunteers for and wishes to continue with Team

·         The method of selection for the 3-year-old program and 6U division in both seasons will be by hat pick except for coach’s daughter.

·         Any girl wishing to play in the Lexington Girls’ Softball League must register during the time announced for registration, and no girl will be added to Team Selection Lists after the last day of registration, if teams are filled or uniforms have been ordered.

o   No Ride Along requests will be honored unless the players reside at the same home address.

o   All teams will consist of an equal, as possible, number of players, with a full roster to consist of minimum of one (1) to a maximum of three (3) substitute players based on age group.

·         If, at the end of team selections, each team has a full roster, vacancies occurring after the team selection date will be filled based on a player pool, which will consist of girls registered after the registration deadline.


FOLLOW-UP RESPONSIBILITY:   This Procedure is due for review annually on the anniversary date and for reissue in September 2025.

Rev July 2024


Standard Operating Procedure No. 2                                     


PURPOSE:  To establish a process for which Coaches are selected. 

SCOPE:  Policy and procedures outlined in this standard operating procedure apply to all players and coaches of Lexington Girls Softball.

POLICY:  It is the policy of this organization to promote good sportsmanship and teach the game of fast pitch softball to the young ladies aged 3-16 years old of Lexington County. 


·         Coaches are selected from a Coaches List made up of names of those who have volunteered to coach, have filled out a Coaches Form Online and agreed to a background check.  

·         All Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches must be approved each season by the Executive Board.

·         Head Coaches will be responsible for the following: 

o    To report the scores to the league email. (Spring Season Only)

o    Home team will be responsible for score keeping on the score board and ensuring all locks are secure at the end of games.

·         Coaches’ shirts will only be supplied by Lexington Girls’ Softball League for the Head Coach and two Assistant Coaches. Any additional shirts must be paid for by the Coaches and/or parents before ordering.

·         Head Coaches may not hold the office of President of Lexington Girls’ Softball League.

·         Coaches must notify the League President in writing in case of their resignation.

·         Coaches will provide positive leadership, advice and assistance to players and members

·         Coaches must comply with the League’s Constitution and By-Laws, local rules, USSSA’s Constitution, By-Laws, and procedural rules.  That any violation thereof is subject to disciplinary measures as may be taken as set forth therein.

·         Once the game schedule has been published, there will be NO rescheduling of games.  If a Head Coach cannot be at the game, then the Assistant Coach will coach the team.  If a team will not have enough players, then the game will be forfeit.  No exceptions.

·         Prior to the start of each season, there will be a mandatory Coach’s Meeting with each team having a minimum of one Coach present at the meeting.

·         Coaches must bat the entire line-up.

·         Coaches must play each player 2 innings in the field if there are 3 or more innings played during a game.

·         Head Coach must be NAYS certified and all coaches and volunteers must have a Background Check through Lexington County Recreation yearly before the first game of the season.  The cost of the NYSCA certification will be paid for by the League to the Head Coaches only.  If the Head Coach is not certified by the first game, the game will be forfeit and the Head Coach will be suspended until certification is obtained.  This certification will be obtained  on-line at and Background Checks can be done on-line at

·         Anyone on the field or helping in dugout must have a background check prior to being in the dugout or on the field.

·         If excess number of coaches for age group volunteer, then the following will determine placement (per age group) as determined by the coaching coordinator.

o   Returning Coaches with a player

o   New Coaches with a player

o   Returning Coaches without a player

o   New Coaches without a player




FOLLOW-UP RESPONSIBILITY:   This Procedure is due for review annually on the anniversary date and for reissue in September 2025.

Rev July 2024 


Standard Operating Procedure No. 3                                                



PURPOSE:  To establish a process for which League Finances are handled. 

Policy and procedures outlined in this standard operating procedure apply to the Executive Board of Lexington Girls Softball.

POLICY:  It is the policy of this organization to promote good sportsmanship and teach the game of fast pitch softball to the young ladies aged 3-16 years old of Lexington County. 


·         Sponsorship fees and registration fees will be set by the Executive Board.

·         Sponsorship fees must be collected prior to placing sponsor’s name or logo on a team uniform or banner.

·         All expenditures must be reviewed and approved by Executive Board.  For all expenditures over $500, a minimum of three votes must be obtained for the general account. 

·         A minimum balance of $5,000.00 must be maintained in the League treasury at all times, unless an emergency situation arises or a large purchase to better the league and then only with the approval of the Executive Board.

·         League income tax returns will be filed as required by current IRS and state requirements.

·         The Canteen will have a separate checking account.

·         There will be a log kept of all expenses paid from the Canteen.

·         There is to be NO personal expenditures from league funds for any league member and/or league board member.

·         All board members will sign a new “Agreement to abide by Lexington Girls’ Softball By Laws” each season no later than the 1st week of practices.




FOLLOW-UP RESPONSIBILITY:   This Procedure is due for review annually on the anniversary date and for reissue in September 2025.

Rev July 2024


Standard Operating Procedure No. 4                                                 


PURPOSE:  To establish a process for which conduct/discipline and rule violations are handled.

SCOPE:  Policy and procedures outlined in this standard operating procedure apply to the players, coaches, parents, and spectators of Lexington Girls Softball events.

POLICY:  It is the policy of this organization to promote good sportsmanship and teach the game of fast pitch softball to the young ladies aged 3-16 years old of Lexington County. 


·         Conduct: Standards of conduct apply to all Lexington Girls Softball League Board Members, Officers, Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Players, Parents, Family Members of Players, and Spectators, and are designed to ensure that a person maintains levels of behavior and efficiency which conform to the highest ethical principles.

·         Disciplinary Acts: Disciplinary Acts are for such abusive, violent, unfair, unethical, or fraudulent acts by any member of the League.  Such acts include, but are not limited to, the following:

o   The violation of the LCRAC no tolerance policy.

o   Fighting, using unsportsmanlike conduct or abusive tactics or derogatory or unbecoming acts that are detrimental and not in the best interest of the League.

o   By participating in or permitting a fraud to be perpetrated.

o   Competing under an assumed name.

o   Submitting a check for any reason that cannot be negotiated for payment.

o   Purposely using false information to hurt the League.

o   Failing to set forth complete and accurate information upon any League form.

o   Taking any action, direct or indirect, that results in contact being made with a relative of any player or prospective player, whether or not that player is in the draft, for the specific purpose of obtaining information about the experience, ability, or talent of that player.

o   Intentionally providing any false or incomplete information to any officer or Executive Board Member.

o   Intentionally taking any action that is designed to intimidate any member of the League.

o   Violating: 1) League’s Constitution and By-Laws, or local rules; 2) USSSA’s Constitution, By-Laws, or rules; 3) the rules and regulations of the Lexington County Recreation Commission.

o   Such abusive, violent, unfair, unethical, and/or fraudulent act that is not in the best interest of the League.

o   Any member, other than a Head Coach, consulting a game official about a disputed call.  Head Coaches are to conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner during such consultations.

o   Having or being under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or illegal drug while on the softball complex.

o   Any member found guilty of engaging in such disciplinary acts will be subject to such discipline as the Disciplinary Board finds appropriate.

o   Such discipline may include disbarment, suspension for one or more games, conditional membership, limited participation in the League, disqualification from holding any position with the League, and exclusion from the League and the Lexington Girls Softball Complex, any combination of the above, and any other discipline administered by the League.

·         Discipline: Any misconduct will be promptly reported for any actual or suspected offences.

o   All offences will be reported to any member of the Executive Board.

o   The Discipline Panel will consist of the League’s President, and either two or three members of the Board whichever is necessary to have an uneven number of members on the panel.  The President has the authority to select a panel for each offense.

o   The nature of the offense will warrant the disciplinary measures being taken.

o   An appeal to the Executive Board may be taken at a regular meeting of the Executive Board.  That upon an appeal the Executive Board may, only upon a two-thirds vote, modify, change, or rescind the action of the panel.  

o   Once the Disciplinary Panel has set the disciplinary actions to be taken against a member, such action will be effective immediately upon receipt of notice of said action.

·         Temporary and Immediate Discipline:

o   Any member of the Executive Board may discipline any member, official, etc… as he/she deems appropriate, for a period not to exceed three (3) days. Upon any such action being taken, the President will call a meeting of the Executive Board to review any such action taken by any officer.

o   The Executive Board, by unanimous vote only, may discipline any member, official, etc…, as it deems appropriate for a period not to exceed three (3) days, with such to remain in effect until the Disciplinary Panel issues its report.

o   No Executive Board member may discipline anyone in his/her own game.

o   Any Situation in which one is ejected by an umpire will be automatic 1 week suspension, but may constitute further disciplinary action.




FOLLOW-UP RESPONSIBILITY:   This Procedure is due for review annually on the anniversary date and for reissue in September 2025.

Rev July 2024


Standard Operating Procedure No. 5                                                 


PURPOSE:  To establish a process for which seasons are played. 

SCOPE:  Policy and procedures outlined in this Standard Operating Procedure apply to the players, coaches, parents, and spectators of Lexington Girls Softball.

POLICY:  It is the policy of this organization to promote good sportsmanship and teach the game of fast pitch softball to the young ladies age 3-16 years old of Lexington County. 

·         SPRING SEASON 

o   The Start and End dates of the season will be established by the Executive Board.

o   The winner of the most games in each division will be the Season Champion for that Division.

o   A tie only exists when each team has the same record in that division. 

o   In the case of a two-team tie the winner will be decide by: * First by Head-to-Head, Secondly by Runs Allowed, Thirdly by Runs Scored, then if needed a one game playoff will be played to determine the Season Champion.

o   In the case of a three-team tie-the winner will be decided by: First by Head-to-Head, Secondly by Runs Allowed, Thirdly by Runs Scored, then if needed teams will draw for a bye and then play one game elimination to determine the Season Champion.

o   There will be a League Champion for each age group (with exception of 3U and 6U Divisions). 

o   If, a Championship game cannot be played, the Executive Board will determine the Season Champion.

o   Any games rained out that can affect Championship must be made up.

·         FALL SEASON

o   A Fall Season will be played for the purpose of providing instructional assistance to interested girls wishing to participate.

o   The Start and End dates of the season will be established by the Executive Board.

o   No League standings will be kept.

o   A Fall tournament will take place at the end of season. We will determine a Fall League champion for each division. The champion and 2nd place runner up will receive an award.




FOLLOW-UP RESPONSIBILITY:   This Procedure is due for review annually on the anniversary date and for reissue in September 2023.

Rev July 2024


Standard Operating Procedure No. 6                                   

Non-Lexington Girls’ Softball Teams

PURPOSE:  To establish a process for which League Fields, Leagues Batting Cages and League Equipment are handled for teams other than Lexington Girls’ Softball recreational teams.  

SCOPE:  Policy and procedures outlined in this standard operating procedure apply to the Executive Board of Lexington Girls’ Softball.

POLICY:  The Lexington Girls’ Softball league fields may be reserved by non-Lexington Girls’ Softball teams if approved by the Executive Board of Lexington Girls’ Softball. Any Lexington Girls Softball owned equipment such as nets, tees, pitching machines, catcher’s gear and softballs may not be used by non-Lexington Girls’ Softball teams.


·         Teams may submit request for reserved practice fields during LGS off seasons and open slots during seasons on a first come first serve basis.

·         Teams must submit a written request to the league through the [email protected] email address.  Teams must submit team name, head coaches name and contact information, proof of team insurance, and dates and times for practices (2 per week maximum) for the entire off season.  A confirmation email will be sent back.  It is the responsibility of the team to monitor the field calendar available on our website for up-to-date information or requests for open fields.   

·         Teams receiving a reservation will be responsible for cleaning up the fields, stands, and dugouts before leaving each practice.  Teams found leaving trash or mistreatment, as determined by the board, will lose their reservations.  Teams damaging county and LGS equipment will be responsible for replacement or repair of the facilities.  Each team is responsible for raking their field after usage.

·         Teams should not practice if there is mud or standing water on the fields.  Any team found damaging the fields will lose their reservation.  Common sense must be used on whether to practice on wet fields. 

·         The batting cages are not county property.  They were purchased by Lexington Girls’ Softball. Non-Lexington Girls’ Softball teams may request the use of batting cages, for a $20 per hour fee, with same guidelines as field use. This must be scheduled and paid for prior to use.

·         Only LGS teams are permitted to use LGS equipment such as batting tees, pitching machines, etc. unless otherwise approved by the Executive Board.

·         If a team refuses to leave a field, you have reserved it is recommended that the head coach contact the League President or Vice President(S) before contacting LCRAC.

·         LGS reserves the right to cancel any reservations for any reason such as LGS events, tournaments, summer camp, etc.




FOLLOW-UP RESPONSIBILITY:   This Procedure is due for review annually on the anniversary date and for reissue in September 2025.





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